How to remember your dreams?

The Role of Dreams?
Health Conditions
How to remember your dreams?
How long do nightmares last?
What are vivid dreams?

One of the reasons dreams can be difficult to remember is that the brain chemical associated with memory — norepinephrine — and the brain’s electrical activity that helps with recall are at their lowest levels when you’re dreaming. In fact, if you have a dream but don’t wake up during the dream, you won’t be able to remember it. The dreams you remember are the ones that are ongoing when you awaken.

Two ways to help recall your dreams is to tell yourself as you’re falling asleep that you want to remember your dream. If that’s your last thought, you may be more likely to wake up with a dream still somewhat fresh in your memory.

Since dream recall can be easily interrupted by even the slightest distraction, you should try to remember as much of your dream as soon as you wake up. Don’t get out of bed or think about anything else. Try to grasp whatever images or memories you have of your dream and write them down on a pad next to your bed or on your smartphone.

David Genchev